Location: Room 210 Mr. Shipton's English class
Time: Approximately 2:30
Suspect 1: Tigger
- Approximately 5'7
- Albanian
- Approximately 5'9
- Afghan
- Approximately 5'8
- Bengali
Tigger: Okay, so there's this sl*t and she has three boyfriends, and she has a husband.
Piglet: You told me this one already.
Tigger: SHhhh, don't tell them. So, one day her Albanian boyfriend comes over and they are f**king. She hears a knock at the door and she says "Oh sh*t it's my husband, Hide!" So she hides him behind the refrigerator. She opens the door and its her Italian boyfriend. So she starts to f**k him to and she hears a knock again. So she hides him behind the TV. This time it's her Greek boyfriend at the door. And, again they start to f**k and again she hears a knock and hides her Greek Boyfriend on the balcony.
At this point my cover was almost blown and my safety was no longer guaranteed. Piglet noticed that was writing to the rhythm of the joke being told. He questioned what I was doing and I quickly told him that I could not tell him and that it was top secret. Ah, ha, ha, ha, NO! The truth is that I told them I was supposed to eavesdrop on conversations and that I would not mention their real names. They laughed a bit and carried on with the joke.
Tigger: Okay. So, Finally It's her husband and he starts looking around. The husband finds the first guy behind the refrigerator and says "What are doing back here?" And the Albanian guy says " Oh, I'm the refrigerator repair man" and the husband says " Okay here's $ 20 dollars" and he leaves.
Eeyore: Ha, ha, ha , ha, that guy is so stupid.
Tigger: Okay, so the husband checks behind the TV and he finds the Italian boyfriend and the same thing happens. The Italian guy says "I'm the TV repair man" and the husband gives him $ 20 dollars. And, as the Italian boyfriend leaves, the Greek boyfriend is watching from the balcony window screaming and banging on the door saying "Give me $20 dollars!!! I f**ked her to!!!"
All three suspects: Ha, ha, ha, ha ,ha.
All the names mentioned in this investigation were changed due to privacy and safety precautions.
It's surprising how immature grade 12 students can really be when a supply teacher is in their presence. What exactly is it that makes students, particularly boys, go stupid and animal like when a teacher away and a supply fills in? Could it be that the students no longer feel the need to wear a mask to conform to the "real" teacher's class room expectations for behavior, or could it be that boys are just dumb. And, that no quote would justify their actions in class other than "Boys will be boy." Then again I can't really bad mouth the boys in this investigations, after all I am a boy and did participate just as much in the whole shenanigans, the only difference is that had the great Ms. C and the writers craft class in mind.
When that cat's away, the mice will play, or in this case the entire cast of Winnie the Pooh. Pooh being the operative word. :)
Did you just make that up, or is it from some kind of old wise tale? And, I don't get it, are you implying that my post was of pooh quality?
I've noticed that out of all the students in this school, the girls are the ones who're trying to get out of here as quickly as possible. The most they'll do is stay for an extra year or semester, but the boys seem to like to stay here for years on end.
Especially the Greek ones. =P
Maybe girls just mature faster than most boys. Not all, but plenty.
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