Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Another Crazy On The Subway

This blog is intended for an audience between the ages 1-death. Basically for any body who has seen and judged a "crazy" person on the bus or subway.

An old man sits alone on the subway.A barrier of insanity surrounds him and not one person is found within three or four seats reach of him. Where is he coming from, nobody knows. Where is he going, Who really cares?

His Hat is worn Low over his eyes. His back hunched high. His finger sit intertwined on hiss lap. His head waves from side to side. His feet gently tap up and down on the floor of the train. His words are unclear which mutter "Oui-ee-a-jabaa" His name, not even he himself knows. His past has been long forgotten. His future has been long lost. His presents is all that he knows, yet all that confuses him.

Through the trains thunderous roars, he hears the teenage boy's secretive laughter. Through his shades, he sees the young woman stare in disgust. Through their minds, he reads their fear. And, do they know that he has lost everything that was of value? And, do they know that he was once just like them, "normal"?No. All they know is he is just another crazy on the subway. To them, he is nothing more, and nothing less to be less.


Chris Thiers-Gomez said...

Wow i had one of those days on the subway before. Next time you could include how that crazy person lost all their things to be in the situation they are in right now so maybe I will actually feel sorry for him.

Rovin said...

people on the subway are sketchy bro. I once watched a lady harrass this girl from East York once. It was like two years ago, and she had been yelling at everyone on the train. See, the problem with the train is that you never know who the crazy person is until they start acting up inside the train as its in between stations. Then, you're stuck with them because, obviously, there's no where to go.

Hien V. said...

LOL true say Rovin, true say. I think they purposely wait until the doors are shut and wait until the train moves until they start to wild out

Chris Thiers-Gomez said...

wow another crazy day on the subway?? o wait it is the same day Hien do some poems!!