Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Runnin' Away

Runnin' that's what I do best. I don't run for exercise. I don't run because I'm an Olympic sprinter. I don't run because I'm an Olympic long distance runner. I run because it's easy. I run from my problems. Problems that might occur in school, work, family, and even in myself. It provides me with the relief I need. It takes away all the unnecessary bullsh*t in life. Sh*t I don't absolutely have to deal with.

Teachers wonder how I can attend school, while my brain is absent. Schools was just not for me. I'm not a morning person. And, homework just ain't my thing. Work is another problem that I just don't bother solving. I get paid enough to get by and plus minimum wage is goin' up to ten dollars per our, so that's pretty sick. I don't plan on quitting for a while. I mean why go out and look for a better job when the job you have now is simple and easy? Why would I work hard when I can hardly work? It's not like a pay rent, my parents take care of that. They wants me out and on my own, although I do understand why mom and dad would want that, I am 25. I tell them I'm on it and just waiting for the right time to go back to school, you know like an adult school or something. But, that's just what a tell them, like come on I'm 25 and I'm gonna go back to school?! It's goin to be me stuck in a class with half of it's students half a decade younger than I am and the other half half a century older than I am. And, plus there's no guarantee I'll land a dream job even if I have a high school diploma.

I remember my cousin saying to my parents "All he needs is a cold shower", and that got me thinking. Sure, runnin' from my problems is an easy way of, how should I say, doin' things the easy way, but what happens when I run out of road to run on? Could it be that all my problems finally catch up with me? The longer I run , the longer I wait, the colder that shows goinG to be.

Intended Audience: Procrastinating Teenagers that are to lazy to make something of their life

Purpose: Get off the couch and do something! Hate him, then fight him. Like her, then date her. Dumb, then get smart. You get the gist.

1 comment:

Ms.C said...

Very creative monologues. Now try to use a voice other than your own :)